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Sunday, 7 October 2012

Brick Walls

This week I hit a few brick walls - I am not ashamed to admit it. I struggled to remain positive in the wake of the endless nausea, the physical pain I feel from wanting this process to work so badly, the emotional torture of the wait etc etc. I thought this week I might share with you some of the things that helped me get over (or smash through) these brick walls - small and insignificant as they may be - they help me a lot and deserve some recognition. And I thought I might do this sharing visually rather than waffling this week - so bonus for you guys :)

This tune is amaze - makes me happy and dancey and zingy all at once - perfect for those mornings where getting out of bed seems horrid and pointless and exhausting all at once. Enjoy!

 I have suffered from a weak stomach all my life - one thing my mum used to give me to help on car rides or boat trips was barley sugar. Two packets (over two rounds of Clomid) later and these babies are still my go to - whether its all in my mind or not I don't care!

The older I get, the more I appreciate the necessity and benefits of a good nights sleep. My bed (usually minus the dog - who didn't want to be left out of the photo action - "oh sorry, were you taking a photo?") is becoming a firm favourite lately - relax time - GO!

ahhhh COFFEE - I know technically it's not good for you. And I know its probably not the best thing for someone who's mind is as overactive as mine - but gosh darn it! it is delicious. And I will continue to drink it until such time as someone invents something that I can legally drink at work that makes me awake and functioning. Besides - my boss bought a you-beaut, fresh grinding, milk frothing, all-the-bells-and-whistles machine - be rude not to wouldn't it?

A million needle pricks in my finger tips later and a thousand vacuum jobs picking up fabric scraps and thread later - I finally finished this wonky little guy for Aaliyah Kay. It is supposed to be a rabbit - but the lack of fluffy tail and face definition means it turned out more of a undefined "creature". I don't think little miss will ever understand the importance of my craftin' time and the peace it gives my busy brain - but I hope she loves him all the same.

Whether its researching our up-coming trip to Melbourne (excited much?!), finding recipes of delicious things to make for dinner that don't make me want to hurl, drooling over bits and bobs I can't afford, looking up tips on getting through the next few weeks of specialist appointments or just getting tide times to know when to walk our mangey mutt along the beach - I am so grateful for the internet and the time-wasting yet still productive moments it gives me every day. I won't mention facebook - as it is the bane of my existence and I am not grateful for it at all - but it's probably how you got to read this blog - so I probably should mention it....there <-- consider it mentioned.

This beautiful little girl arrived last week - Aaliyah Kay - the fourth girl for my dear friend Lisa. I met her for the first time this weekend and so began the clucking -  velvety hair, soft skin, the longest toes you have ever seen on a baby, snuggled up like a little gumnut Cuddlepie not making a peep. Yep - THAT'S why Jon and I will continue this fight - best feeling in the world.

Holey crap I still managed to waffle! Whoops! 
This week should end with a huge cuddly snuggly WELCOME TO THE WORLD to Frank  - or Frankie Pegs as I shall call him - thanks for picking the BEST mummy and daddy in the world - good choice mate!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're hanging in there chicksta. Just keep your eye on the prize. And that rabbit is totally fabulous!!
